Ponyback Hats

Ponyback founder, Stacey Keller, is a force. Her incredible work on TikTok had shifted her brand’s growth into high gear. She came to us looking for support with Ponyback’s look and feel and social media presence. We worked on a brand extension and campaign that gave Stacey and her team the tools they needed to take Ponyback to new heights.

→ Brand Extension
→ Social Media Management
→ Content Creation
→ Photoshoot Production
→ Email Marketing

4,284,578 Engagements (↑ 72.8%)
16,805,318 Impressions (
↑ 99.8%)
30,415 Link Clicks (↑ 57.1%)

(Q1 2023 Facebook Analytics)

Photographer: Isabella Pugiotto | @izzydigital

Stacey Keller, Ponyback Founder

“Victoria and her team are actual lifesavers! As my brand started to grow quickly, I was drowning and feeling so overwhelmed with showing up consistently online. The saltwater team jumped in and hit the ground running by taking our brand values and ethos and crafting the perfect visual representation of our brand - with curated brand guidelines. The saltwater team is very creative and always over-delivers with social creatives that wow.”